Past Tense - Irregular Forms


The following list shows the forms of the irregular verbs (also called "strong verbs"). With these forms, at least the stem vocal changes.

Audios will follow.

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Form German Phonetic Script English
infinitive halten ['haltən] to hold
1. person singular ich hielt ç hi:lt] I held
2. person singular (familiar) du hieltst [du: hi:ltst] you held
3. person singular er/sie/es hielt [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs hi:lt] he/she/it held
1. person plural wir hielten [vi:ə 'hi:ltən] we held
2. person plural (familiar) ihr hieltet [i:ə 'hi:ltət] you held
3. person plural sie hielten [zi: 'hi:ltən] they held
polite form (singular + plural) Sie hielten [zi: 'hi:ltən] you held
infinitive hängen 1) ['hɛŋən] to hang (to be fixed)
1. person singular ich hing ç hɪŋ] I hung
2. person singular (familiar) du hingst [du: hɪŋst] you hung
3. person singular er/sie/es hing [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs hɪŋ] he/she/it hung
1. person plural wir hingen [vi:ə 'hɪŋən] we hung
2. person plural (familiar) ihr hingt [i:ə hɪŋt] you hung
3. person plural sie hingen [zi: 'hɪŋən] they hung
polite form (singular + plural) Sie hingen [zi: 'hɪŋən] you hung
infinitive heben ['he:bən] to lift
1. person singular ich hob ç ho:p] I lifted
2. person singular (familiar) du hobst [du: ho:pst] you lifted
3. person singular er/sie/es hob [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs ho:p] he/she/it lifted
1. person plural wir hoben [vi:ə 'ho:bən] we lifted
2. person plural (familiar) ihr hobt [i:ə ho:pt] you lifted
3. person plural sie hoben [zi: 'ho:bən] they lifted
polite form (singular + plural) Sie hoben [zi: 'ho:bən] you lifted
infinitive heißen ['haisən] to be called
1. person singular ich hieß ç hi:s] I was called
2. person singular (familiar) du hießest/hießt [du: 'hi:səst/hi:st] you were called
3. person singular er/sie/es hieß [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs hi:s] he/she/it was called
1. person plural wir hießen [vi:ə 'hi:sən] we were called
2. person plural (familiar) ihr hießt [i:ə hi:st] you were called
3. person plural sie hießen [zi: 'hi:sən] they were called
polite form (singular + plural) Sie hießen [zi: 'hi:sən] you were called
infinitive helfen ['hɛlfən] to help
1. person singular ich half ç half] I helped
2. person singular (familiar) du halfst [du: halfst] you helped
3. person singular er/sie/es half [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs half] he/she/it helped
1. person plural wir halfen [vi:ə 'halfən] we helped
2. person plural (familiar) ihr halft [i:ə halft] you helped
3. person plural sie halfen [zi: 'halfən] they helped
polite form (singular + plural) Sie halfen [zi: 'halfən] you helped
infinitive kennen ['kɛnən] to know (be familiar)
1. person singular ich kannte ç 'kante] I knew
2. person singular (familiar) du kanntest [du: 'kantəst] you knew
3. person singular er/sie/es kannte [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'kantə] he/she/it knew
1. person plural wir kannten [vi:ə 'kantən] we knew
2. person plural (familiar) ihr kanntet [i:ə 'kantət] you knew
3. person plural sie kannten [zi: 'kantən] they knew
polite form (singular + plural) Sie kannten [zi: 'kantən] you knew
infinitive kiesen (obsolete) ['ki:zən] to choose/select
1. person singular ich kor ç ko:ɐ] I chose
2. person singular (familiar) du korest/korst [du: ko:rəst/ko:ɐst] you chose
3. person singular er/sie/es kor [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs ko:ɐ] he/she/it chose
1. person plural wir koren [vi:ə 'ko:rən] we chose
2. person plural (familiar) ihr kort [i:ə ko:ɐt] you chose
3. person plural sie koren [zi: 'ko:rən] they chose
polite form (singular + plural) Sie koren [zi: 'ko:rən] you chose
infinitive klimmen ['klɪmən] to clamber/scramble
1. person singular ich klomm ç klɔm] I clambered
2. person singular (familiar) du klommst [du: klɔmst] you clambered
3. person singular er/sie/es klomm [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs klɔm] he/she/it clambered
1. person plural wir klommen [vi:ə 'klɔmən] we clambered
2. person plural (familiar) ihr klommt [i:ə klɔmt] you clambered
3. person plural sie klommen [zi: 'klɔmən] they clambered
polite form (singular + plural) Sie klommen [zi: 'klɔmən] you clambered
infinitive klingen ['klɪŋən] to sound
1. person singular ich klang ç klaŋ] I sounded
2. person singular (familiar) du klangst [du: klaŋst] you sounded
3. person singular er/sie/es klang [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs klaŋ] he/she/it sounded
1. person plural wir klangen [vi:ə 'klaŋən] we sounded
2. person plural (familiar) ihr klangt [i:ə klaŋt] you sounded
3. person plural sie klangen [zi: 'klaŋən] they sounded
polite form (singular + plural) Sie klangen [zi: 'klaŋən] you sounded
infinitive kneifen ['knaifən] to pinch
1. person singular ich kniff ç knɪf] I pinched
2. person singular (familiar) du kniffst [du: knɪfst] you pinched
3. person singular er/sie/es kniff [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs knɪf] he/she/it pinched
1. person plural wir kniffen [vi:ə 'knɪfən] we pinched
2. person plural (familiar) ihr knifft [i:ə knɪft] you pinched
3. person plural sie kniffen [zi: 'knɪfən] they pinched
polite form (singular + plural) Sie kniffen [zi: 'knɪfən] you pinched



1) hängen in the sense of to hang up someone/something has a regular conjugation
infinitive hängen ['hɛŋən] to hang
1. person singular ich hängte ç 'hɛŋtə] I hanged
2. person singular (familiar) du hängtest [du: 'hɛŋtəst] you hanged
3. person singular er/sie/es hängte [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'hɛŋtə] he/she/it hanged
1. person plural wir hängten [vi:ə 'hɛŋtən] we hanged
2. person plural (familiar) ihr hängtet [i:ə 'hɛŋtət] you hanged
3. person plural sie hängten [zi: 'hɛŋtən] they hanged
polite form (singular + plural) Sie hängten [zi: 'hɛŋtən] you hanged

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