Past Tense - Irregular Forms


The following list shows the forms of the irregular verbs (also called "strong verbs"). With these forms, at least the stem vocal changes.

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Form German Phonetic Script English
infinitive empfehlen [ɛm'pfe:lən] to recommend
1. person singular ich empfahl ç ɛm'pfa:l] I recommended
2. person singular (familiar) du empfahlst [du: ɛm'pfa:lst] you recommended
3. person singular er/sie/es empfahl [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs ɛm'pfa:l] he/she/it recommended
1. person plural wir empfahlen [vi:ə ɛm'pfa:lən] we recommended
2. person plural (familiar) ihr empfahlt [i:ə ɛm'pfa:lt] you recommended
3. person plural sie empfahlen [zi: ɛm'pfa:lən] they recommended
polite form (singular + plural) Sie empfahlen [zi: ɛm'pfa:lən] you recommended
infinitive empfinden [ɛm'pfɪndən] to feel
1. person singular ich empfand ç ɛm'pfant] I felt
2. person singular (familiar) du empfandest [du: ɛm'pfandəst] you felt
3. person singular er/sie/es empfand [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs ɛm'pfant] he/she/it felt
1. person plural wir empfanden [vi:ə ɛm'pfandən] we felt
2. person plural (familiar) ihr empfandet [i:ə ɛm'pfandət] you felt
3. person plural sie empfanden [zi: ɛm'pfandən] they felt
polite form (singular + plural) Sie empfanden [zi: ɛm'pfandən] you felt
infinitive essen ['ɛsən] to eat
1. person singular ich ç a:s] I ate
2. person singular (familiar) du est/t [du: 'a:səst/a:st] you ate
3. person singular er/sie/es [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs a:s] he/she/it ate
1. person plural wir en [vi:ə 'a:sən] we ate
2. person plural (familiar) ihr t [i:ə a:st] you ate
3. person plural sie en [zi: 'a:sən] they ate
polite form (singular + plural) Sie en [zi: 'a:sən] you ate
infinitive fahren ['fa:rən] to drive/go by bus/train etc.
1. person singular ich fuhr ç fu:ə] I drove
2. person singular (familiar) du fuhrst [du: fust] you drove
3. person singular er/sie/es fuhr [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs fu] he/she/it drove
1. person plural wir fuhren [vi:ə 'fu:rən] we drove
2. person plural (familiar) ihr fuhrt [i:ə fu:ət] you drove
3. person plural sie fuhren [zi: 'fu:rən] they drove
polite form (singular + plural) Sie fuhren [zi: 'fu:rən] you drove
infinitive fallen ['falən] to fall
1. person singular ich fiel ç fi:l] I fell
2. person singular (familiar) du fielst [du: fi:lst] you fell
3. person singular er/sie/es fiel [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs fi:l] he/she/it fell
1. person plural wir fielen [vi:ə 'fi:lən] we fell
2. person plural (familiar) ihr fielt [i:ə fi:lt] you fell
3. person plural sie fielen [zi: 'fi:lən] they fell
polite form (singular + plural) Sie fielen [zi: 'fi:lən] you fell
infinitive fangen ['faŋən] to catch
1. person singular ich fing ç fɪŋ] I caught
2. person singular (familiar) du fingst [du: fɪŋst] you caught
3. person singular er/sie/es fing [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs fɪŋ] he/she/it caught
1. person plural wir fingen [vi:ə 'fɪŋən] we caught
2. person plural (familiar) ihr fingt [i:ə fɪŋt] you caught
3. person plural sie fingen [zi: 'fɪŋən] they caught
polite form (singular + plural) Sie fingen [zi: 'fɪŋən] you caught
infinitive fechten ['fɛçtən] to fence
1. person singular ich focht ç fɔxt] I fenced
2. person singular (familiar) du fochtest [du: 'fɔxtəst] you fenced
3. person singular er/sie/es focht [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs fɔxt] he/she/it fenced
1. person plural wir fochten [vi:ə 'fɔxtən] we fenced
2. person plural (familiar) ihr fochtet [i:ə 'fɔxtət] you fenced
3. person plural sie fochten [zi: 'fɔxtən] they fenced
polite form (singular + plural) Sie fochten [zi: 'fɔxtən] you fenced
infinitive finden ['fɪndən] to find
1. person singular ich fand ç fant] I found
2. person singular (familiar) du fandest [du: 'fandəst] you found
3. person singular er/sie/es fand [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs fant] he/she/it found
1. person plural wir fanden [vi:ə 'fandən] we found
2. person plural (familiar) ihr fandet [i:ə 'fandət] you found
3. person plural sie fanden [zi: 'fandən] they found
polite form (singular + plural) Sie fanden [zi: 'fandən] you found
infinitive flechten ['flɛçtən] to plait
1. person singular ich flocht ç flɔxt] I plaited
2. person singular (familiar) du flochtst [du: flɔxtst] you plaited
3. person singular er/sie/es flocht [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs flɔxt] he/she/it plaited
1. person plural wir flochten [vi:ə 'flɔxtən] we plaited
2. person plural (familiar) ihr flochtet [i:ə 'flɔxtət] you plaited
3. person plural sie flochten [zi: 'flɔxtən] they plaited
polite form (singular + plural) Sie flochten [zi: 'flɔxtən] you plaited
infinitive fliegen ['fli:gən] to fly
1. person singular ich flog ç flo:k] I flew
2. person singular (familiar) du flogst [du: flo:kst] you flew
3. person singular er/sie/es flog [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs flo:k] he/she/it flew
1. person plural wir flogen [vi:ə 'flo:gən] we flew
2. person plural (familiar) ihr flogt [i:ə flo:kt] you flew
3. person plural sie flogen [zi: 'flo:gən] they flew
polite form (singular + plural) Sie flogen [zi: 'flo:gən] you flew
infinitive fliehen ['fli:ən] to flee
1. person singular ich floh ç flo:] I fled
2. person singular (familiar) du flohst [du: flo:st] you fled
3. person singular er/sie/es floh [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs flo:] he/she/it fled
1. person plural wir flohen [vi:ə 'flo:ən] we fled
2. person plural ihr floht [i:ə flo:t] you fled
3. person plural sie flohen [zi: 'flo:ən] they fled
polite form Sie flohen [zi: 'flo:ən] you fled

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