Past Tense - Irregular Forms


The following list shows the forms of the irregular verbs (also called "strong verbs"). With these forms, at least the stem vocal changes.

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Form German Phonetic Script English
infinitive fließen ['fli:sən] to flow
1. person singular ich floss ç flɔs] I flowed
2. person singular (familiar) du flossest/ flosst [du: 'flɔsəst/flɔst] you flowed
3. person singular er/sie/es floss [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs flɔs] he/she/it flowed
1. person plural wir flossen [vi:ə 'flɔsən] we flowed
2. person plural (familiar) ihr flosst [i:ə flɔst] you flowed
3. person plural sie flossen [zi: 'flɔsən] they flowed
polite form (singular + plural) Sie flossen [zi: 'flɔsən] you flowed
infinitive fressen ['frɛsən] to eat (animal)
1. person singular ich fr ç fra:s] I ate
2. person singular (familiar) du frest/ frt [du: 'fra:səst/fra:st] you ate
3. person singular er/sie/es fr [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs fra:s] he/she/it ate
1. person plural wir fren [vi:ə 'fra:sən] we ate
2. person plural (familiar) ihr frt [i:ə fra:st] you ate
3. person plural sie fren [zi: 'fra:sən] they ate
polite form (singular + plural) Sie fren [zi: 'fra:sən] you ate
infinitive frieren ['fri:rən] to be cold/freeze
1. person singular ich fror ç fro:ɐ] I was cold
2. person singular (familiar) du frorst [du: fro:ɐst] you were cold
3. person singular er/sie/es fror [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs fro:ɐ] he/she/it was cold
1. person plural wir froren [vi:ə 'fro:rən] we were cold
2. person plural (familiar) ihr frort [i:ə fro:ɐt] you were cold
3. person plural sie froren [zi: 'fro:rən] they were cold
polite form (singular + plural) Sie froren [zi: 'fro:rən] you were cold
infinitive gären 1) ['gɛ:rən] to seethe/ferment
1. person singular ich gor ç go:ɐ] I seethed
2. person singular (familiar) du gorst [du: go:ɐst] you seethed
3. person singular er/sie/es gor [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs go:ɐ] he/she/it seethed
1. person plural wir goren [vi:ə 'go:rən] we seethed
2. person plural (familiar) ihr gort [i:ə go:ɐt] you seethed
3. person plural sie goren [zi: 'go:rən] they seethed
polite form (singular + plural) Sie goren [zi: 'go:rən] you seethed
infinitive gebären [gə'bɛ:rən] to bear (a child)
1. person singular ich gebar ç gə'ba:ɐ] I bore
2. person singular (familiar) du gebarst [du: gə'ba:ɐst] you bore
3. person singular er/sie/es gebar [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs gə'ba:ɐ] he/she/it bore
1. person plural wir gebaren [vi:ə gə'ba:rən] we bore
2. person plural (familiar) ihr gebart [i:ə gə'ba:ɐt] you bore
3. person plural sie gebaren [zi: gə'ba:rən] they bore
polite form (singular + plural) Sie gebaren [zi: gə'ba:rən] you bore
infinitive geben ['ge:bən] to give
1. person singular ich gab ç ga:p] I gave
2. person singular (familiar) du gabst [du: ga:pst] you gave
3. person singular er/sie/es gab [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs ga:p] he/she/it gave
1. person plural wir gaben [vi:ə 'ga:bən] we gave
2. person plural (familiar) ihr gabt [i:ə ga:pt] you gave
3. person plural sie gaben [zi: 'ga:bən] they gave
polite form (singular + plural) Sie gaben [zi: 'ga:bən] you gave
infinitive gedeihen [gə'daiən] to thrive/flourish
1. person singular ich gedieh ç gə'di:] I throve
2. person singular (familiar) du gediehst [du: gə'di:st] you throve
3. person singular er/sie/es gedieh [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs gə'di:] he/she/it throve
1. person plural wir gediehen [vi:ə gə'di:ən] we throve
2. person plural (familiar) ihr gedieht [i:ə gə'di:t] you throve
3. person plural sie gediehen [zi: gə'di:ən] they throve
polite form (singular + plural) Sie gediehen [zi: gə'di:ən] you throve
infinitive gehen ['ge:ən] to go
1. person singular ich ging ç gɪŋ] I went
2. person singular (familiar) du gingst [du: gɪŋst] you went
3. person singular er/sie/es ging [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs gɪŋ] he/she/it went
1. person plural wir gingen [vi:ə 'gɪŋən] we went
2. person plural (familiar) ihr gingt [i:ə gɪŋt] you went
3. person plural sie gingen [zi: 'gɪŋən] they went
polite form (singular + plural) Sie gingen [zi: 'gɪŋən] you went
infinitive gelingen [gə'lɪŋən] to be a success
1. person singular ich gelang ç gə'laŋ] I was a success
2. person singular (familiar) du gelangst [du: gə'laŋst] you were a success
3. person singular er/sie/es gelang [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs gə'laŋ] he/she/it was a success
1. person plural wir gelangen [vi:ə gə'laŋən] we were a success
2. person plural (familiar) ihr gelangt [i:ə gə'laŋt] you were a success
3. person plural sie gelangen [zi: gə'laŋən] they were a success
polite form (singular + plural) Sie gelangen [zi: gə'laŋən] you were a success
infinitive gelten ['gɛltən] to be regarded as/valid
1. person singular ich galt ç galt] I was regarded as
2. person singular (familiar) du galtest [du: galtəst] you were regarded as
3. person singular er/sie/es galt [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs galt] he/she/it was regarded as
1. person plural wir galten [vi:ə 'galtən] we were regarded as
2. person plural (familiar) ihr galtet [i:ə 'galtət] you were regarded as
3. person plural sie galten [zi: 'galtən] they were regarded as
polite form (singular + plural) Sie galten [zi: 'galtən] you were regarded as



1) gären in the figurative sense of to seethe has a regular conjugation
infinitive gären ['gɛ:rən] to seethe
1. person singular ich gärte ç 'gɛ:ɐ] I seethed
2. person singular (familiar) du gärtest [du: 'gɛ:ɐtəst] you seethed
3. person singular er/sie/es gärte [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'gɛ:ɐ] he/she/it seethed
1. person plural wir gärten [vi:ə 'gɛ:ɐtən] we seethed
2. person plural (familiar) ihr gärtet [i:ə 'gɛ:ɐtət] you seethed
3. person plural sie gärten [zi: 'gɛ:ɐtən] they seethed
polite form (singular + plural) Sie gärten [zi: 'gɛ:ɐtən] you seethed

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