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Pastry - New Words |
Here you find a list with pastries including cookies, buns, cakes and tortes and also the different types of dough and the most important ingredients you might need. If you want to listen to the pronunciation, click on the button in front of the respective word.
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Types of dough |
Listen | German | Phonetic Script | English |
Teig m | [taik] | dough | |
Brandteig m (literally: burning dough) | ['branttaik] | choux pastry | |
Biskuitteig m | [bɪs'kvi:ttaik] | sponge mixture | |
Blätterteig m (literally: leaves dough) | ['blɛtɐtaik] | flaky pastry/puff pastry | |
Hefeteig m | ['he:fətaik] | yeast dough/leavened dough | |
Mürbeteig m (literally: tender dough) | ['mʏrbətaik] | shortcrust pastry | |
Rührteig m (literally: stirring dough) | ['ry:ətaik] | cake mixture | |
Sauerteig m | ['zauɐtaik] | sourdough | |
Ingredients |
Listen | German | Phonetic Script | English |
Zutaten f pl | ['tsu:ta:tən] | ingredients | |
Backpulver nt | ['bakpʊlvɐ] | baking powder | |
Mehl nt | [me:l] | flour | |
Semmelbrösel m pl (literally: breadroll crumbs) | ['zɛməlbrø:zəl] | breadcrumbs | |
Tortenguss m (literally: torte cast) | ['tɔrtəngʊs] | glaze | |
Butter f | ['bʊtɐ] | butter | |
Margarine f | [marga'ri:nə] | margarine | |
Öl nt | [ø:l] | oil | |
Essig m | ['ɛsɪç] | vinegar | |
Gelatine f | [ʒela'ti:nə] | gelatin(e) | |
Hefe f | ['he:fə] | yeast | |
Ei nt | [ai] | egg | |
Eigelb nt (literally: egg yellow) | ['aigɛlp] | egg yolk | |
Eiweiß nt | ['aivais] | egg white | |
Zucker m | ['tsʊkɐ] | sugar | |
Puderzucker m (literally: powder sugar) | ['pu:dɐtsʊkɐ] | icing sugar | |
Salz nt | [zalts] | salt | |
Natron nt | ['na:trɔn] | sodium carbonate | |
Speisestärke f (literally: food strength) | ['ʃpaizəʃtɛrkə] | cornflour/cornstarch | |
Sahne f | ['za:nə] | cream | |
Sahnesteif nt (literally: cream stiff) | ['za:nəʃtaif] | whipping cream stiffener | |
Milch f | [mɪlç] | milk | |
Schmand m | [ʃmant] | heavy sour cream | |
Joghurt f | [ˈjo:gʊrt] | yoghurt | |
Quark m | [kvark] | curd | |
Haselnüsse f pl | ['ha:zəlnʏsə] | hazelnuts | |
Walnüsse f pl | ['valnʏsə] | walnuts | |
Mandeln f pl | ['mandəln] | almonds | |
gehackte Mandeln f pl | [gə'haktə 'mandəln] | chopped almonds | |
gemahlene Mandeln f pl (literally: ground almonds) | [gə'ma:lənə 'mandəln] | almond flour | |
Mandelblätter nt pl (literally: almond sheets) | ['mandəlblɛtɐ] | sliced almonds | |
Marzipan nt | ['martsipa:n] | marzipan | |
Marmelade f | [marmə'la:də] | jam/marmelade | |
Orangenschalen f pl | [o'raŋʒənʃa:lən] | orange peels | |
Zitronenschalen f pl | [tsi'tro:nənʃa:lən] | lemon peels | |
Orangeat nt | [oraŋ'ʒa:t] | candied orange peel | |
Zitronat nt | [tsitro'na:t] | candied lemon peel | |
Rosinen f pl | [ro'zi:nən] | raisins | |
Schokolade f | [ʃoko'la:də] | chocolate | |
Vollmilchschokolade f (literally: full milk chocolate) | ['fɔlmɪlçʃoko'la:də] | full-cream milk chocolate | |
Zartbitterschokolade f (literally: gently bitter chocolate) | ['tsa:ɐtbɪtɐʃoko'la:də] | dark chocolate | |
weiße Schokolade f | ['vaisə ʃoko'la:də] | white chocolate | |
Blockschokolade f (literally: block chocolate) | ['blɔkʃoko'la:də] | cooking chocolate | |
Borkenschokolade f (literally: bark chocolate) | ['bɔrkənʃoko'la:də] | chocolate flake | |
Vanilleschote f | [va'nɪləʃo:tə] | vanilla pod | |
Vanillezucker m | [va'nɪlətsʊkɐ] | vanilla sugar | |
Vanillinzucker m | [vanɪ'li:ntsʊkɐ] | vanillin sugar | |
Wein m | [vain] | wine | |
Likör m | [li'kø:ɐ] | liqueur | |
Rum m | [rʊm] | rum | |
Biscuits/Cookies |
Listen | German | Phonetic Script | English |
Keks m | [ke:ks] | biscuit/cookie | |
Plätzchen nt (literally: little place) | ['plɛtsçən] | biscuit/cookie | |
Butterkeks m | ['bʊtɐke:ks] | butter biscuit/cookie | |
Doppelkeks m (literally: double biscuit) | ['dɔpəlke:ks] | sandwich cookie | |
Florentiner m | [florɛn'ti:nɐ] | florentine biscuit | |
Gewürzplätzchen nt (literally: little spice biscuit) | [gə'vʏrtsplɛtsçən] | ginger biscuit | |
Haferkeks m (literally: oats biscuit) | ['ha:fɐke:ks] | flapjack | |
Hartkeks m (literally: hard biscuit) | ['hartke:ks] | hardtack | |
Heidesand m | ['haidəzant] | heath sand | |
Makrone f | [ma'kro:nə] | macaroon | |
Pfeffernuss f (literally: pepper nut) | ['pfɛfɐnʊs] | gingerbread biscuit | |
Schokoladenkeks m | [ʃoko'la:dənke:ks] | chocolate biscuit | |
Vanillekipferl nt (literally: little vanilla horn) | [va'nɪləkɪpfɐl] | vanilla crescents | |
Vanilleplätzchen nt | [va'nɪləplɛtsçən] | vanilla-flavoured biscuit | |
Waffelhörnchen nt (literally: little wafer horn) | ['vafəlhœrnçən] | waffle cone | |
Waffelröllchen nt (literally: little wafer roll) | ['vafəlrœlçən] | wafer curl | |
Zimtstern m | ['tsɪmtʃtɛrn] | cinnamon star | |
Zwieback m (literally: twice baked) | ['tsvi:bak] | rusk/zwieback | |
Buns |
Listen | German | Phonetic Script | English |
Teilchen nt (literally: little part) | ['tailçən] | bun | |
Gebäck nt | [gə'bɛk] | pastry | |
Aachener Printe f | ['a:xənɐ 'prɪntə] | Christmas gingerbread cookie | |
Amerikaner m (literally: American) | [ameri'ka:nɐ] | black and white cookie | |
Apfeltasche f (literally: apple bag) | ['apfəltaʃə] | apple turnover | |
Baiser nt | [bɛ'ze:] | meringue | |
Berliner m | [bɛr'li:nɐ] | jelly filled doughnut | |
Brezel f | ['bre:tsəl] | pretzel | |
Buchtel f | ['bʊxtəl] | yeast pastry filled with jam or cream | |
Krapfen m | ['krapfən] | cruller/fritter | |
Laugenstange f (literally: salt solution bar) | ['laugənʃtaŋə] | pretzel stick | |
Lebkuchen m (literally: reviving cake) | ['le:pku:xən] | gingerbread | |
Nussecke f (literally: nut edge) | ['nʊsʔɛkə] | nut wedge | |
Plunder m | ['plʊndɐ] | Danish pastry | |
Puddingplätzchen nt (literally: pudding biscuit) | ['pʊdɪŋplɛtsçən] | pudding bretzel | |
Rosinenschnecke f (literally: raisin snail) | [ro'zi:nənʃnɛkə] | Chelsea bun | |
Schillerlocke f (literally: shimmering curl) | ['ʃɪlɐlɔkə] | cream horn | |
Schweineöhrchen nt (literally: little pig ear) | ['ʃvainəʔøɐçən] | elephant ear | |
Spekulatius m | [ʃpeku'la:tsius] | speculoos | |
Waffel f | ['vafəl] | waffle | |
Windbeutel m (literally: wind bag) | ['vɪntbɔytəl] | cream puff/profiterole | |
Cakes |
Listen | German | Phonetic Script | English |
Kuchen m | ['ku:xən] | cake | |
Apfelkuchen m | ['apfəlku:xən] | apple cake/apple pie | |
gedeckter Apfelkuchen m (literally: covered apple cake) | [gə'dɛktɐ 'apfəlku:xən] | apple jalousie | |
gestürzter Apfelkuchen m (literally: crashed apple cake) | [gə'ʃtʏrtstɐ 'apfəlku:xən] | apple upside-down cake | |
Baumkuchen m (literally: tree cake) | ['baumku:xən] | baumkuchen | |
Bienenstich m | ['bi:nənʃtɪç] | bee sting cake | |
Butterkuchen m | ['bʊtɐku:xən] | butter cake | |
Donauwelle f (literally: Danube wave) | ['do:nauvɛlə] | chocolate-covered cake with cream and sour cherries | |
Eierschecke f (literally: eggs piebald) | ['aiɐʃɛkə] | custard-topped cheesecake | |
Guglhupf m (literally: hood yeast) | ['gu:glhʊpf] | kugelhopf/Bundt cake/ring cake | |
Hefekuchen m | ['he:fəku:xən] | yeast cake | |
Hefekranz m (literally: yeast wreath) | ['he:fəkrants] | savarin | |
Hefezopf m (literally: yeast plait) | ['he:fətsɔpf] | plaited yeast bun | |
Honigkuchen m | ['ho:nɪçku:xən] | honey cake | |
Käsekuchen m | ['kɛ:zəku:xən] | cheesecake | |
Kalter Hund m (literally: cold dog) | ['kaltɐ hʊnt] | hedgehog slice | |
Marmorkuchen m | ['marmo:ɐku:xən] | marble cake | |
Mohnkuchen m | ['mo:nku:xən] | poppy-seed cake | |
Napfkuchen m (literally: bowl cake) | ['napfku:xən] | pound cake | |
Obstkuchen m | ['o:pstku:xən] | fruit cake/fruit flan | |
Pflaumenkuchen m | ['pflaumənku:xən] | plum cake/plum pie/plum flan | |
Rührkuchen m | ['ry:əku:xən] | sponge soft cake/stirred cake | |
Russischer Zupfkuchen m (literally: Russian plucking cake) | ['rʊsɪʃɐ 'tsʊpfku:xən] | Russian pulling cake | |
Sandkuchen m (literally: sand cake) | ['zantku:xən] | Madeira cake | |
Schokoladenkuchen m | [ʃoko'la:dənku:xən] | chocolate cake | |
Stollen m | ['ʃtɔlən] | stollen | |
Streuselkuchen m | ['ʃtrɔyzəlku:xən] | crumble cake/crumb cake | |
Striezel m | ['ʃtri:tsəl] | braided yeast bread | |
Strudel m | ['ʃtru:dəl] | strudel | |
Tortes |
Listen | German | Phonetic Script | English |
Torte f | ['tɔrtə] | torte/tart | |
Apfeltorte f | ['apfəltɔrtə] | apple tart | |
Buttercremetorte f (literally: butter cream torte) | ['bʊtɐkre:mtɔrtə] | butter cream cake | |
Eistorte f | ['aistɔrtə] | ice cream cake | |
Erdbeertorte f (literally: earthberry torte) | ['e:ɐtbe:ɐtɔrtə] | strawberry tart | |
Frankfurter Kranz m (literally: Frankfurt wreath) | ['fraŋkfʊrtɐ krants] | Frankfurt crown cake | |
Limettentorte f | [li'mɛtəntɔrtə] | lime tart | |
Linzer Torte f | ['lɪntsɐ 'tɔrtə] | Linzer torte | |
Mandeltorte f | ['mandəltɔrtə] | almond tart | |
Mokkatorte f | ['mɔkatɔrtə] | mocha tart | |
Nusstorte f | ['nʊstɔrtə] | nut tart | |
Obsttorte f | ['o:psttɔrtə] | fruit tart | |
Orangentorte f | [o'raŋʒəntɔrtə] | orange tart | |
Prinzregententorte f (literally: prince regent torte) | [prɪntsre'gɛntəntɔrtə] | Bavarian sponge cake from Munich with chocolate butter cream | |
Punschtorte f | ['pʊnʃtɔrtə] | punch cake | |
Rhabarbertorte f | [ra'barbɐtɔrtə] | rhubarb tart | |
Sachertorte f | ['zaxɐtɔrtə] | rich chocolate cake from Vienna | |
Sahnetorte f | ['za:nətɔrtə] | cream gateau | |
Schokoladentorte f | [ʃoko'la:dəntɔrtə] | chocolate gateau | |
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte f | ['ʃvartsvɛldɐ 'kɪrʃtɔrtə] | Black Forest cherry gateau | |
Weihnachtsscheit m (literally: Christmas log) | ['vainaxtsʃait] | yule log | |
Zitronentorte f | [tsi'tro:nəntɔrtə] | lemon tart |