Past Tense - Irregular Forms


The following list shows the forms of the irregular verbs (also called "strong verbs"). With these forms, at least the stem vocal changes.

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Form German Phonetic Script English
infinitive bleiben ['blaibən] to stay
1. person singular ich blieb ç bli:p] I stayed
2. person singular (familiar) du bliebst [du: bli:pst] you stayed
3. person singular er/sie/es blieb [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs bli:p] he/she/it stayed
1. person plural wir blieben [vi:ə 'bli:bən] we stayed
2. person plural (familiar) ihr bliebt [i:ə bli:pt] you stayed
3. person plural sie blieben [zi: 'bli:bən] they stayed
polite form (singular + plural) Sie blieben [zi: 'bli:bən] you stayed
infinitive braten ['bra:tən] to fry
1. person singular ich briet ç bri:t] I fried
2. person singular (familiar) du brietst [du: bri:tst] you fried
3. person singular er/sie/es briet [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs bri:t] he/she/it fried
1. person plural wir brieten [vi:ə 'bri:tən] we fried
2. person plural (familiar) ihr brietet [i:ə 'bri:tət] you fried
3. person plural sie brieten [zi: 'bri:tən] they fried
polite form (singular + plural) Sie brieten [zi: 'bri:tən] you fried
infinitive brechen ['brɛçən] to break
1. person singular ich brach ç bra:x] I broke
2. person singular (familiar) du brachst [du: bra:xst] you broke
3. person singular er/sie/es brach [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs bra:x] he/she/it broke
1. person plural wir brachen [vi:ə 'bra:xən] we broke
2. person plural (familiar) ihr bracht [i:ə bra:xt] you broke
3. person plural sie brachen [zi: 'bra:xən] they broke
polite form (singular + plural) Sie brachen [zi: 'bra:xən] you broke
infinitive brennen ['brɛnən] to burn
1. person singular ich brannte ç 'brantə] I burned
2. person singular (familiar) du branntest [du: 'brantəst] you burned
3. person singular er/sie/es brannte [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'brantə] he/she/it burned
1. person plural wir brannten [vi:ə 'brantən] we burned
2. person plural (familiar) ihr branntet [i:ə 'brantət] you burned
3. person plural sie brannten [zi: 'brantən] they burned
polite form (singular + plural) Sie brannten [zi: 'brantən] you burned
infinitive bringen ['brɪŋən] to bring
1. person singular ich brachte ç 'braxtə] I brought
2. person singular (familiar) du brachtest [du: 'braxtəst] you brought
3. person singular er/sie/es brachte [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'braxtə] he/she/it brought
1. person plural wir brachten [vi:ə 'braxtən] we brought
2. person plural (familiar) ihr brachtet [i:ə 'braxtət] you brought
3. person plural sie brachten [zi: 'braxtən] they brought
polite form (singular + plural) Sie brachten [zi: 'braxtən] you brought
infinitive denken ['dɛŋkən] to think
1. person singular ich dachte ç 'daxtə] I thought
2. person singular (familiar) du dachtest [du: 'daxtəst] you thought
3. person singular er/sie/es dachte [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'daxtə] he/she/it thought
1. person plural wir dachten [vi:ə 'daxtən] we thought
2. person plural (familiar) ihr dachtet [i:ə 'daxtət] you thought
3. person plural sie dachten [zi: 'daxtən] they thought
polite form (singular + plural) Sie dachten [zi: 'daxtən] you thought
infinitive dreschen ['drɛʃən] to thresh/thrash
1. person singular ich drosch ç drɔʃ] I threshed
2. person singular (familiar) du droschst [du: drɔʃst] you threshed
3. person singular er/sie/es drosch [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs drɔʃ] he/she/it threshed
1. person plural wir droschen [vi:ə 'drɔʃən] we threshed
2. person plural (familiar) ihr droscht [i:ə drɔʃt] you threshed
3. person plural sie droschen [zi: 'drɔʃən] they threshed
polite form (singular + plural) Sie droschen [zi: 'drɔʃən] you threshed
infinitive dringen ['drɪŋən] to insist/press
1. person singular ich drang ç draŋ] I insisted
2. person singular (familiar) du drangst [du: draŋst] you insisted
3. person singular er/sie/es drang [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs draŋ] he/she/it insisted
1. person plural wir drangen [vi:ə 'draŋən] we insisted
2. person plural (familiar) ihr drangt [i:ə draŋt] you insisted
3. person plural sie drangen [zi: 'draŋən] they insisted
polite form (singular + plural) Sie drangen [zi: 'draŋən] you insisted
infinitive dürfen ['dʏrfən] to be allowed to
1. person singular ich durfte ç 'dʊrf] I was allowed to
2. person singular (familiar) du durftest [du: 'dʊrftəst] you were allowed to
3. person singular er/sie/es durfte [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'dʊrf] he/she/it was allowed to
1. person plural wir durften [vi:ə 'dʊrftən] we were allowed to
2. person plural (familiar) ihr durftet [i:ə 'dʊrftət] you were allowed to
3. person plural sie durften [zi: 'dʊrftən] they were allowed to
polite form (singular + plural) Sie durften [zi: 'dʊrftən] you were allowed to
infinitive empfangen [ɛm'pfaŋən] to receive/welcome
1. person singular ich empfing ç ɛm'pfɪŋ] I received
2. person singular (familiar) du empfingst [du: ɛm'pfɪŋst] you received
3. person singular er/sie/es empfing [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs ɛm'pfɪŋ] he/she/it received
1. person plural wir empfingen [vi:ə ɛm'pfɪŋən] we received
2. person plural (familiar) ihr empfingt [i:ə ɛm'pfɪŋt] you received
3. person plural sie empfingen [zi: ɛm'pfɪŋən] they received
polite form (singular + plural) Sie empfingen [zi: ɛm'pfɪŋən] you received

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