Past Tense - Irregular Forms


The following list shows the forms of the irregular verbs (also called "strong verbs"). With these forms, at least the stem vocal changes.

More audios will follow.

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Form German Phonetic Script English
infinitive weben 1) ['ve:bən] to weave
1. person singular ich wob ç vo:p] I wove
2. person singular (familiar) du wobst [du: vo:pst] you wove
3. person singular er/sie/es wob [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs vo:p] he/she/it wove
1. person plural wir woben [vi:ə 'vo:bən] we wove
2. person plural (familiar) ihr wobt [i:ə vo:pt] you wove
3. person plural sie woben [zi: 'vo:bən] they wove
polite form (singular + plural) Sie woben [zi: 'vo:bən] you wove
infinitive weichen 2) ['vaiçən] to give way to sth/budge
1. person singular ich wich ç vɪç] I gave way
2. person singular (familiar) du wichst [du: vɪçst] you gave way
3. person singular er/sie/es wich [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs vɪç] he/she/it gave way
1. person plural wir wichen [vi:ə 'vɪçən] we gave way
2. person plural (familiar) ihr wicht [i:ə vɪçt] you gave way
3. person plural sie wichen [zi: 'vɪçən] they gave way
polite form (singular + plural) Sie wichen [zi: 'vɪçən] you gave way
infinitive weisen ['vaizən] to point to/expel sb from sth
1. person singular ich wies ç vi:s] I pointed to
2. person singular (familiar) du wiesest/wiest [du: 'vi:zəst/vi:st] you pointed to
3. person singular er/sie/es wies [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs vi:s] he/she/it pointed to
1. person plural wir wiesen [vi:ə 'vi:zən] we pointed to
2. person plural (familiar) ihr wiest [i:ə vi:st] you pointed to
3. person plural sie wiesen [zi: 'vi:zən] they pointed to
polite form (singular + plural) Sie wiesen [zi: 'vi:zən] you pointed to
infinitive wenden 3) ['vɛndən] to turn
1. person singular ich wandte ç 'vantə] I turned
2. person singular (familiar) du wandtest [du: 'vantəst] you turned
3. person singular er/sie/es wandte [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'vantə] he/she/it turned
1. person plural wir wandten [vi:ə 'vantən] we turned
2. person plural (familiar) ihr wandtet [i:ə 'vantət] you turned
3. person plural sie wandten [zi: 'vantən] they turned
polite form (singular + plural) Sie wandten [zi: 'vantən] you turned
infinitive werben ['vɛrbən] to advertise/to recruit sb
1. person singular ich warb ç varp] I advertised
2. person singular (familiar) du warbst [du: varpst] you advertised
3. person singular er/sie/es warb [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs varp] he/she/it advertised
1. person plural wir warben [vi:ə 'varbən] we advertised
2. person plural (familiar) ihr warbt [i:ə varpt] you advertised
3. person plural sie warben [zi: 'varbən] they advertised
polite form (singular + plural) Sie warben [zi: 'varbən] you advertised
infinitive werden ['ve:ɐdən] to become
1. person singular ich wurde ç 'vʊrdə] I became
2. person singular (familiar) du wurdest [du: 'vʊrdəst] you became
3. person singular er/sie/es wurde [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'vʊrdə] he/she/it became
1. person plural wir wurden [vi:ə 'vʊrdən] we became
2. person plural (familiar) ihr wurdet [i:ə 'vʊrdət] you became
3. person plural sie wurden [zi: 'vʊrdən] they became
polite form (singular + plural) Sie wurden [zi: 'vʊrdən] you became
infinitive werfen ['vɛrfən] to throw
1. person singular ich warf ç varf] I threw
2. person singular (familiar) du warfst [du: varfst] you threw
3. person singular er/sie/es warf [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs varf] he/she/it threw
1. person plural wir warfen [vi:ə 'varfən] we threw
2. person plural (familiar) ihr warft [i:ə varft] you threw
3. person plural sie warfen [zi: 'varfən] they threw
polite form (singular + plural) Sie warfen [zi: 'varfən] you threw
infinitive wiegen 4) ['vi:gən] to weigh
1. person singular ich wog ç vo:k] I weighed
2. person singular (familiar) du wogst [du: vo:kst] you weighed
3. person singular er/sie/es wog [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs vo:k] he/she/it weighed
1. person plural wir wogen [vi:ə 'vo:gən] we weighed
2. person plural (familiar) ihr wogt [i:ə vo:kt] you weighed
3. person plural sie wogen [zi: 'vo:gən] they weighed
polite form (singular + plural) Sie wogen [zi: 'vo:gən] you weighed
infinitive winden 5) ['vɪndən] to wind/writhe
1. person singular ich wand ç vant] I wound
2. person singular (familiar) du wandst [du: vantst] you wound
3. person singular er/sie/es wand [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs vant] he/she/it wound
1. person plural wir wanden [vi:ə 'vandən] we wound
2. person plural (familiar) ihr wandet [i:ə 'vandət] you wound
3. person plural sie wanden [zi: 'vandən] they wound
polite form (singular + plural) Sie wanden [zi: 'vandən] you wound
infinitive wissen ['vɪsən] to know
1. person singular ich wusste ç 'vʊstə] I knew
2. person singular (familiar) du wusstest [du: 'vʊstəst] you knew
3. person singular er/sie/es wusste [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'vʊstə] he/she/it knew
1. person plural wir wussten [vi:ə 'vʊstən] we knew
2. person plural (familiar) ihr wusstet [i:ə 'vʊstət] you knew
3. person plural sie wussten [zi: 'vʊstən] they knew
polite form (singular + plural) Sie wussten [zi: 'vʊstən] you knew



1) weben usually has a regular conjugation (the irregular forms are used in a figurative sense and in literary works)
infinitive weben ['ve:bən] to weave
1. person singular ich webte ç 've:ptə] I weaved
2. person singular (familiar) du webtest [du: 've:ptəst] you weaved
3. person singular er/sie/es webte [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 've:ptə] he/she/it weaved
1. person plural wir webten [vi:ə 've:ptən] we weaved
2. person plural (familiar) ihr webtet [i:ə 've:ptət] you weaved
3. person plural sie webten [zi: 've:ptən] they weaved
polite form (singular + plural) Sie webten [zi: 've:ptən] you weaved
2) weichen in the sense of to soak something in something has a regular conjugation
infinitive (ein)weichen ['vaiçən] to soak sth in sth
1. person singular ich weichte (ein) ç 'vaiç] I soaked
2. person singular (familiar) du weichtest (ein) [du: 'vaiçtəst] you soaked
3. person singular er/sie/es weichte (ein) [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'vaiç] he/she/it soaked
1. person plural wir weichten (ein) [vi:ə 'vaiçtən] we soaked
2. person plural (familiar) ihr weichtet (ein) [i:ə 'vaiçtət] you soaked
3. person plural sie weichten (ein) [zi: 'vaiçtən] they soaked
polite form (singular + plural) Sie weichten (ein) [zi: 'vaiçtən] you soaked
3) wenden in the sense of to do little daily jobs in the household or trade or changing the direction usually has a regular conjugation (the irregular forms are more elevated and used for more important actions, also in the sense of turning to someone or asking someone for help)
infinitive wenden ['vɛndən] to turn
1. person singular ich wendete ç 'vɛndətə] I turned
2. person singular (familiar) du wendetest [du: 'vɛndətəst] you turned
3. person singular er/sie/es wendete [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'vɛndətə] he/she/it turned
1. person plural wir wendeten [vi:ə 'vɛndətən] we turned
2. person plural (familiar) ihr wendetet t[i:ə 'vɛndətət] you turned
3. person plural sie wendeten [zi: 'vɛndətən] they turned
polite form (singular + plural) Sie wendeten [zi: 'vɛndətən] you turned
4) wiegen in the sense of to move back and forth/to rock/to sway has a regular conjugation
infinitive wiegen ['vi:gən] to rock/sway
1. person singular ich wiegte ç 'vi:ktə] I rocked
2. person singular (familiar) du wiegtest [du: 'vi:ktəst] you rocked
3. person singular er/sie/es wiegte [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'vi:ktə] he/she/it rocked
1. person plural wir wiegten [vi:ə 'vi:ktən] we rocked
2. person plural (familiar) ihr wiegtet [i:ə 'vi:ktət] you rocked
3. person plural sie wiegten [zi: 'vi:ktən] they rocked
polite form (singular + plural) Sie wiegten [zi: 'vi:ktən] you rocked
5) winden in the meaning of a wind that blows, sighs or whispers has a regular conjugation (this verb is only used in the 3. person singular)
infinitive winden ['vɪndən] to blow (wind)
1. person singular ich windete ç 'vɪndətə] I blew
2. person singular (familiar) du windetest [du: 'vɪndətəst] you blew
3. person singular er/sie/es windete [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'vɪndətə] he/she/it blew
1. person plural wir windeten [vi:ə 'vɪndətən] we blew
2. person plural (familiar) ihr windetet [i:ə 'vɪndətət] you blew
3. person plural sie windeten [zi: 'vɪndətən] they blew
polite form (singular + plural) Sie windeten [zi: 'vɪndətən] you blew

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