Past Tense - Irregular Forms


The following list shows the forms of the irregular verbs (also called "strong verbs"). With these forms, at least the stem vocal changes.

Audios will follow.

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Form German Phonetic Script English
infinitive wringen ['vrɪŋən] to wring
1. person singular ich wrang ç vraŋ] I wrung
2. person singular (familiar) du wrangst [du: vraŋst] you wrung
3. person singular er/sie/es wrang [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs vraŋ] he/she/it wrung
1. person plural wir wrangen [vi:ə 'vraŋən] we wrung
2. person plural (familiar) ihr wrangt [i:ə vraŋt] you wrung
3. person plural sie wrangen [zi: 'vraŋən] they wrung
polite form (singular + plural) Sie wrangen [zi: 'vraŋən] you wrung
infinitive zeihen (old) ['tsaiən] to accuse
1. person singular ich zieh ç tsi:] I accused
2. person singular (familiar) du ziehst [du: tsi:st] you accused
3. person singular er/sie/es zieh [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs tsi:] he/she/it accused
1. person plural wir ziehen [vi:ə 'tsi:ən] we accused
2. person plural (familiar) ihr zieht [i:ə tsi:t] you accused
3. person plural sie ziehen [zi: 'tsi:ən] they accused
polite form (singular + plural) Sie ziehen [zi: 'tsi:ən] you accused
infinitive ziehen ['tsi:ən] to pull
1. person singular ich zog ç tso:k] I pulled
2. person singular (familiar) du zogst [du: tso:kst] you pulled
3. person singular er/sie/es zog [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs tso:k] he/she/it pulled
1. person plural wir zogen [vi:ə 'tso:gən] we pulled
2. person plural (familiar) ihr zogt [i:ə tso:kt] you pulled
3. person plural sie zogen [zi: 'tso:gən] they pulled
polite form (singular + plural) Sie zogen [zi: 'tso:gən] you pulled
infinitive zwingen ['tsvɪŋən] to force/to compel
1. person singular ich zwang ç tsvaŋ] I forced
2. person singular (familiar) du zwangst [du: tsvaŋst] you forced
3. person singular er/sie/es zwang [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs tsvaŋ] he/she/it forced
1. person plural wir zwangen [vi:ə 'tsvaŋən] we forced
2. person plural (familiar) ihr zwangt [i:ə tsvaŋ] you forced
3. person plural sie zwangen [zi: 'tsvaŋən] they forced
polite form (singular + plural) Sie zwangen [zi: 'tsvaŋən] you forced

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