Past Perfect - Irregular Forms


The following list shows the irregular forms of the past participle which you have to use. With these forms, at least the stem vocal changes. Please take into consideration that not every verb is conjugated with the auxiliary verb "haben". Some verbs are conjugated with the verb "sein".

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Form German Phonetic Script English
infinitive zwingen ['tsvɪŋən] to force/to compel
1. person singular ich hatte gezwungen [ɪç 'hatə gə'tsvʊŋən] I had forced
2. person singular du hattest gezwungen [du: 'hatəst gə'tsvʊŋən] you had forced
3. person singular er/sie/es hatte gezwungen [e:ɐ/zi:/ɛs 'hatə gə'tsvʊŋən] he/she/it had forced
1. person plural wir hatten gezwungen [vi:ə 'hatən gə'tsvʊŋən] we had forced
2. person plural ihr hattet gezwungen [i:ə 'hatət gə'tsvʊŋən] you had forced
3. person plural sie hatten gezwungen [zi: 'hatən gə'tsvʊŋən] they had forced
polite form Sie hatten gezwungen [zi: 'hatən gə'tsvʊŋən] you had forced

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