Nouns - Neuter Gender


Here is a list of those nouns which have a neuter gender and are accompanied by the neuter definite article das:

Examples   Phonetic Script English
Determination by meanings    

letters used as nouns

A nt (a, b, c... but das A, das B, das C ...) [a:] A
exception: Buchstabe m ['bu:xʃta:bə] letter

fractions used as nouns

ein Drittel nt [ain 'drɪtəl̩] one third
drei Fünftel nt [drai 'fʏnftəl] three fifths


Metall nt [me'tal] metal
Gold nt ['gɔlt] gold
Silber nt ['zɪlbɐ] silver

colours used as nouns

Gelb nt (gelb, but das Gelb) [gɛlp] yellow
Rot nt (rot, but das Rot) [ro:t] red


Farbe f ['farbə] colour

names of hotels

Hotel nt [ho'tɛl] hotel
Adlon nt ['a:dlɔn] hotel in Berlin
Atlantic nt [at'lantɪk] hotel in Hamburg

names of theatres

Theater nt [te'atɐ] theatre
Staatstheater nt ['ʃta:tste'atɐ] state theatre
Ohnsorg-Theater nt ['o:nzɔrkte'atɐ] theatre in Hamburg (actors speak Low German)

names of cafés

Café nt [ka'fe:] café
Straßencafé nt (literally: street café) ['ʃtra:sənka'fe:] sidewalk café
Café Ines nt [ka'fe: 'inɛs] café in the Hagenbeck zoo Hamburg
Determination by endings, pre- or suffixes    

foreign nouns ending in -al

Regal nt [re'ga:l] shelf

foreign nouns ending in -ar describing an entirety

Inventar nt [ɪnvɛnˈta:ɐ] inventory
Mobiliar nt [mobiˈlia:ɐ] furnishings

foreign nouns ending in -är describing an entirety

Militär nt [miliˈtɛ:ɐ] military

nouns ending in -chen (diminutive form)

Mädchen nt ['mɛ:tçən] girl
Kaninchen nt [ka'ni:nçən] rabbit

nouns ending in -e derived from adjectives

das Gute nt (adjective: gut) [das 'gu:tə] the good thing
das Neue nt (adjective: neu) [das 'nɔyə] the (fresh) news

nouns ending in -en describing a process

Leben nt ['le:bən] life

nouns ending in -en derived from infinitives

das Laufen nt [das 'laufən] the running
das Tanzen nt [das 'tantsən] the dancing

foreign nouns ending in -ett

Ballett nt [ba'lɛt] ballet
Parkett nt [par'kɛt] parquet (flooring)

nouns starting with Ge-

Gebiet nt [gə'bi:t] area
Gesicht nt [gə'zɪçt] face
exception: Gebrauch m [gə'braux] use, application
foreign nouns ending in -ial
Material nt [mate'ria:l] material

foreign nouns ending in -il

Profil nt [pro'fi:l] profile
Ventil nt [vɛnˈti:l] valve

foreign nouns made of English Verbs ending in -ing

Meeting nt ['mi:tɪŋ] meeting
Timing nt ['taimɪŋ] timing

foreign nouns ending in -ium

Präsidium nt [prɛ'zi:diʊm] police headquarters
Studium nt ['ʃtu:diʊm] studies

nouns ending in -lein (diminutive form)

Männlein nt (Mann + -lein) ['mɛnlain] little man
Büchlein nt (Buch + -lein) ['by:çlain] little book

foreign nouns ending in -ma

Klima nt ['kli:ma] climate
Thema nt ['te:ma] subject, topic
exception: Firma f ['fɪrma] company

foreign nouns ending in -ment

Argument nt [argu'mɛnt] argument
Fundament nt [fʊnda'mɛnt] foundations, basis

foreign nouns ending in -o

Auto nt ['auto] car
Kino nt ['ki:no] cinema

nouns ending in -tum

Eigentum nt ['aigəntu:m] property
Wachstum nt ['vakstu:m] growth
exception: Irrtum m ['ɪrtu:m] error, mistake

foreign nouns ending in -um

Praktikum nt ['praktikʊm] internship, period of practical training
Museum nt [mu'ze:ʊm] museum

nouns ending in -zeug

Flugzeug nt ['flu:ktsɔyk] (aero)plane
Werkzeug nt ['vɛrktsɔyk] tool
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