Nouns - Feminine Gender


Here is a list of those nouns which have a feminine gender and are accompanied by the feminine definite article die:

Examples   Phonetic Script English
Determination by meanings    

female persons

Frau f [frau] woman
Tochter f ['tɔxtɐ] daughter
exception: Mädchen nt ['mɛ:tçən] girl

numbers used as nouns

Zahl f [tsa:l] number
Ziffer f ['tsɪfɐ] digit, figure
Eins f (eins, zwei ... but die Eins, die Zwei) [ains] one


Blume f ['blu:mə] flower
Anemone f [ane'mo:nə] anemone
Aster f ['astɐ] aster, Michaelmas daisy
Dahlie f ['da:liə] dahlia
Geranie f [ge'ra:niə] geranium
Gladiole f [gla'dio:lə] gladiolus
Glockenblume f ['glɔkənblu:mə] bellflower
Hortensie f [hɔr'tɛnziə] hortensia
Kornblume f ['kɔrnblu:mə] cornflower
Lilie f ['li:liə] lily
Narzisse f [nar'tsɪsə] narcissus
Nelke f ['nɛlkə] carnation
Orchidee f [ɔrçi'de:ə] orchid
Osterglocke f (literally: Easter bell) ['o:stɐglɔkə] daffodil (yellow narcissus)
Rose f ['ro:zə] rose
Sonnenblume f ['zɔnənblu:mə] sunflower
Tulpe f ['tʊlpə] tulip
exceptions: Enzian m ['ɛntsia:n] gentian
  Fingerhut m ['fɪŋɐhu:t] thimble (finger hat)
  Gänseblümchen nt ['gɛnzəbly:mçən] daisy (little geese flower)
  Jasmin m [jas'mi:n] jasmine
  Krokus m ['kro:kʊs] crocus
  Lavendel m [la'vɛndəl] lavender
  Maiglöckchen nt ['maiglœkçən] lily of the valley (little bell of May)
  Mohn m [mo:n] poppy
  Phlox m [flɔks] phlox
  Salbei m ['zalbai] sage
  Schneeglöckchen nt ['ʃne:glœkçən] snowdrop (little snowbell)
  Veilchen nt ['failçən] violet
  Vergissmeinnicht nt [fɛɐ'gɪsmainnɪçt] forget-me-not


Birke f ['bɪrkə] birch
Buche f ['bu:xə] beech
Eibe f ['aibə] yew
Eiche f ['aiçə] oak
Erle f ['ɛrlə] alder
Esche f ['ɛʃə] ash
Fichte f ['fɪçtə] spruce
Kiefer f ['ki:fɐ] pine
Lärche f ['lɛrçə] larch
Linde f ['lɪndə] lime/linden
Palme f ['palmə] palm
Pappel f ['papəl] poplar
Pinie f ['pi:niə] stone pine
Tanne f ['tanə] fir
Ulme f ['ʊlmə] elm
Weide f ['vaidə] willow
Zeder f ['tse:dɐ] cedar
Zypresse f [tsy'prɛsə] cypress
exceptions: Baum m [baum] tree
  Busch m [bʊʃ] bush
  Ahorn m ['a:hɔrn] maple
  Wacholder m [va'xɔldɐ] juniper
  Weißdorn m ['vaisdɔrn] hawthorn


Frucht f [frʊxt] fruit
Ananas f ['ananas] pineapple
Aprikose f [apri'ko:zə] apricot
Apfelsine f [apfəl'zi:nə] orange
Banane f [ba'na:nə] banana
Beere f ['be:rə] berry
Brombeere f ['brɔmbe:rə] blackberry
Blaubeere f ['blaube:rə] blueberry
Boysenbeere f ['bɔyzənbe:rə] boysenberry
Erdbeere f (literally: earthberry) ['e:ɐtbe:rə] strawberry
Heidelbeere f ['haidəlbe:rə] bilberry, huckleberry
Himbeere f ['hɪmbe:rə] raspberry
Johannisbeere f [jo'hanɪsbe:rə] currant
rote Johannisbeere f ['ro:tə jo'hanɪsbe:rə] redcurrant
schwarze Johannisbeere f ['ʃvartsə jo'hanɪsbe:rə] blackcurrant
Kranichbeere f ['kra:nɪçbe:rə] cranberry
Preiselbeere f ['praizəlbe:rə] lingonberry, mountain cranberry
Stachelbeere f ['ʃtaxəlbe:rə] gooseberry
Birne f ['bɪrnə] pear
Kirsche f ['kɪrʃə] cherry
Kiwi f ['ki:vi] kiwi
Limette f [li'mɛtə] lime
Litschi f ['lɪtʃi] lychee
Mango f ['maŋgo] mango
Mandarine f [manda'ri:nə] mandarin
Orange f [o'raŋʒə] orange
Pampelmuse f [pampəl'mu:zə] grapefruit
Papaya f [pa'pa:ja] papaya, pawpaw
Pflaume f ['pflaumə] plum
Weintraube f (literally: winegrape) ['vaintraubə] grape
Zitrone f [tsi'tro:nə] lemon
Zwetschge f ['tsvɛtʃgə] damson
Nuss f [nʊs] nut
Erdnuss f (literally: earthnut) ['e:ɐtnʊs] peanut
Haselnuss f ['ha:zəlnʊs] hazelnut
Walnuss f ['valnʊs] walnut
Mandel f ['mandəl] almond
exceptions: Apfel m ['apfəl] apple
  Pfirsich m ['pfɪrzɪç] peach

names of planes

Boeing f ['bo:ɪŋ] Boeing (Lufthansa plane)
exception: Airbus m ['ɛ:ɐbʊs] airbus



names of ships

Deutschland f ['dɔytʃlant] Germany
Hiddensee f ['hɪdənze:] island in the German Baltic Sea
exception: Schiff nt [ʃɪf] ship

names of motorbikes

Horex f ['ho:rɛks] German motorbike company
Zündapp f ['tsʏntʔap] German motorbike company


Motorrad nt [mo'torat] motorbike
Determination by endings, pre- or suffixes    

foreign nouns ending in -a

Kamera f ['kaməra] camera
Liga f ['li:ga] league

nouns ending in -cht

Flucht f [flʊxt] escape
Nacht f [naxt] night

nouns ending in -e

Erde f ['e:ɐ] earth
Karte f ['kartə] card

nouns ending in -ei

Bäckerei f [bɛkə'rai] bakery
Metzgerei f [mɛtsgə'rai] butcher shop

nouns ending in -er derived from verbs with the infinitive ending -ern

Dauer f (verb: dauern) ['dauɐ] duration
Feier f (verb: feiern) ['faiɐ] celebration

nouns ending in -falt derived from adjectives with the ending -fältig

Sorgfalt f ['zɔrkfalt] care
Vielfalt f [ˈfi:lfalt] variety

nouns ending in -ft

Luft f [lʊft] air
Zukunft f ['tsu:kʊnft] future

nouns ending in -heit

Freiheit f ['fraihait] freedom
Schönheit f ['ʃø:nhait] beauty

foreign nouns ending in -ie

Familie f [fa'mi:liə] family
Industrie f ['ɪndʊsˈtri:] industry

nouns ending in -in derived from masculine nouns

Freundin f (Freund m) ['frɔyndɪn] friend (female)
Lehrerin f (Lehrer m) ['le:rərɪn] teacher (female)

foreign nouns ending in -ik if they do not describe persons

Musik f [mu'zi:k] music
Technik f ['teçnɪk] technology

foreign nouns ending in -ion

Diskussion f [dɪskʊ'sio:n] discussion
Situation f [zitua'tsio:n] situation

nouns ending in -keit derived from adjectives

Abhängigkeit f ['aphɛŋɪçkait] dependence
Möglichkeit f ['mø:klɪçkait] possibility

foreign nouns ending in -nz

Arroganz f [aro'gants] arrogance
Intelligenz f [ɪntɛli'gɛnts] intelligence


Popanz m ['po:pants] clown, bogeyman

nouns ending in -schaft

Freundschaft f ['frɔyntʃaft] friendship
Wirtschaft f [vɪrtʃaft] economy, pub

foreign nouns ending in -tät

Identität f [idɛnti'tɛ:t] identity
Qualität f [kvali'tɛ:t] quality

foreign nouns ending in -thek(e)

Apotheke f [apo'te:kə] pharmacy
Bibliothek f [biblio'te:k] library

foreign nouns ending in -tur

Natur f [na'tu:ə] nature
Kultur f [kʊl'tu:ə] culture

nouns ending in -ung derived from verbs

Bedeutung f (verb: bedeuten) [bə'dɔytʊŋ] meaning
Enttäuschung f (verb: enttäuschen) [ɛn'tɔyʃʊŋ] disappointment
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