1. |
actions which are happening at the moment |
Example: |
Er hört Radio. |
Phonetic Script: |
[e:ɐ hø:rt 'ra:dio] |
English: |
He listens to the radio. |
Literally: |
He hears radio. |
2. |
actions which have begun in the past and still continue |
Example: |
Ben lernt seit einem Monat Deutsch. |
Phonetic Script: |
[bɛn lɛrnt zait 'ainəm 'mo:nat dɔytʃ] |
English: |
Ben learns German for a month. |
Literally: |
Ben learns for a month German. |
3. |
repeated actions (every day, often sometimes, never) |
Example: |
Robert geht oft ins Kino. |
Phonetic Script: |
['ro:bɛrt ge:t ɔft ɪns 'ki:no] |
English: |
Robert often goes to the cinema. |
Literally: |
Robert goes often in(to) the cinema. |
4. |
actions happening at the same time or one after the other |
Example: |
Während Lisa Klavier spielt, malt Petra. Danach gehen sie in die Stadt. |
Phonetic Script: |
['wɛ:rənt 'li:za kla'vi:ə ʃpi:lt, ma:lt 'pe:tra] [da'na:x 'ge:ən zi: ɪn di: ʃtat] |
English: |
While Lisa is playing the piano, Petra is painting. Afterwards, they are going to town. |
Literally: |
While Lisa plays piano, paints Petra. Afterwards, go they in the town. |
5. |
things in general and facts which are guilty forever |
Example: |
Berlin ist Deutschlands Hauptstadt. |
Phonetic Script: |
[bɛr'li:n ɪst 'dɔytʃlants 'hauptʃtat] |
English: |
Berlin is Germany's capital. |
6. |
fixed arrangements and scheduled events in the future |
Example: |
Morgen fahren wir nach Köln. |
Phonetic Script: |
['mɔrgən 'fa:rən vi:ə na:x kœln] |
English: |
Tomorrow we go to Cologne. |
Literally: |
Tomorrow go/drive we to Cologne. |